Friday, March 27, 2020

Kourtney Ks Chemistry Teacher Says Kourtney K Wont Be OK - But What About Her Cheerleaders?

Kourtney K's Chemistry Teacher Says Kourtney K Won't Be OK - But What About Her Cheerleaders?Who is in the way of Kourtney K being Kremely? Well, one of the major questions is: Where's Kourtney K at? Will she end up taking her business to her new home? Is it fair to blame Kourtney K for Kremely not working out?I am writing this as I watch Kourtney K struggles with relationships, and very often I find myself wishing that the person who I thought would be my rock was not so full of drama and potential difficulties. It is probably time for some reassurance from me that Kourtney K will be OK as she comes to grips with some of the reality of what is about to happen in her life.The answer to Kourtney K not being Kremely, is actually yes, she will be OK, in some respects. There are two sides to this story. If you want to know how she got here, you may wish to read on.One of the big factors in the Kourtney K drama is that she has a child by her previous boyfriend - it has been reported that she is desperate to keep their baby. There are also questions about whether or not she is really ready to start a family.This is a major issue and there is no doubt that this will be an issue for her. At the same time, there have been lots of articles on the possibility of her getting an abortion. There are some who say she can't have an abortion because she is not in love with her child. I think that there is some validity to this but it is not for me to decide.That leads us to the next part of the Kourtney K story. There have been constant attempts by Kourtney K to make herself beautiful, and in particular her face. Many of these attempts have been unsuccessful. This has led her to the conclusion that she needs some sort of chemical therapy or plastic surgery to change her looks.There have been lots of articles published about Kourtney K having had chemical therapy. I am not going to argue the point, but Kourtney K must have a good reason for wanting plastic surgery. There are lot s of women who seek plastic surgery because they are unhappy with their body. I just don't see that as a reason for going under the knife.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What to Consider if You Plane on Going to Grad School

What to Consider if You Plane on Going to Grad School Ask a Nerd! Question: I am starting my last year of college. What should I consider if I want to go to graduate school in the near future? Brief: If you have taken on the arduous but rewarding task of applying to graduate school there are a few things that can help you along the way (like one of our Orange County grad school consultants) and, as an experienced student, there are more options afforded to you. Answer There are several options for potential grad students but the first thing you should think about is when you want to go to grad school. Many students are in fields that require them to have a MA/MS or even a PhD prior to entering their professional field; however most professions offer some sort of paid work prior to earning a graduate degree. If you are choosing to work for two years or so in order to gain professional working experience in your field then your application timeline is more relaxed. Alternately, if you want to go to graduate school straight away after you receive your undergraduate degree then there are a few things that you should start right now. Step 1 Take the GRE (or LSAT or MCAT) It is better to get this test out of the way before you get too far into the application process our Irvine GRE tutors are here to help. If you are also in your senior year of undergrad, this means that you will be spending a lot of time studying. Most likely, you won’t have taken a standardized test since the good old SAT or ACT, so I recommend getting a tutor to help you get started and buying a test prep book to help you get back in the mental grove of standardized exams. Step 2 Make a list of at least 5 schools that you wish to apply to Now that you are in your 20’s, moving across the country may not be ideal. If you already have a good job, you may want to look at local schools as well as schools that offer blended learning (both online and on campus options). Many highly reputable universities also offer 100% online programs for working adults, so that is another good option to look into. Look for programs that will get you closer to your professional goal. You will want to start working as soon as you can after grad school so it’s extremely important to pick your program and your school wisely (Ask a Nerd! How Many Colleges Should I Apply to?). Image via: You will also want to have a fabulous entrance essay. If you were an English composition or a creative writing major, then it’s no sweat. If not, look into an essay tutor for some guidance. Step 3 Consider your current lifestyle After the end of your senior year, you will no longer be a full time student in the traditional sense. Although anyone can go back to school at any point in their life or career, the 20’s bring on a new set of responsibilities. There are more bills to pay and more responsibilities, along with new privileges and freedoms. Think about what your lifestyle will be like for the next 5 years or so. Are you planning to work full time from 8-5 in a traditional office environment? Are you planning to take out a loan and pay it back later? Will you be living in your current city or are you willing to move to another state? Will you be working part time or from a home office, where your schedule is relatively flexible? Are you planning to start a family or add other social responsibilities into your life in the next few years? Additional ifs to consider If you are working a traditional office environment, a blended or online program might be the right option for you. If you are planning to take out a loan, you may want to be a full time student once again and get through your program in the minimum amount of time so that you can start working full time in your field right after graduation. If you want to stay in your current city, you should look at local universities or online programs from out of state schools. If you are working part time or from a home office, you may have the flexibility to choose any of the options that suit your needs. If you have a family or other social responsibilities, you may want to look into blended learning where you can completely focus in an on campus environment part of the time while still enjoying the convenience of a part time online educational program (READ: Best Libraries in South Orange County for Studying). Have a question for one of our nerds? Tweet it to us @TutorNerds. Give yourself the TutorNerds advantage by checking back often for the latest in our “Ask a Nerd” series. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about. Applying to grad school this year? Don’t go it alone. As grad school becomes harder and harder to get into, it’s crucial you take the admissions process seriously. Let our Orange County college admissions consultants get you into your dream university. Our experienced consultants have a 97% success rate!

Robots, virtual reality, and the future of education - Tutor Hunt Blog

Robots, virtual reality, and the future of education Robots, virtual reality, and the future of education Robots, virtual reality, and the future of educationSchoolsVirtual reality was all the rage in the early 90`s - it was the new `cool` technology. Not dry and academic like the PC`s that were beginning to creep into everyone`s home, it seemed to offer astounding possibilities, promising the public that they could become fully immersed in computer generated worlds. We would be able to visit strange and wonderful fantasy realms, experience simulated space flight, enjoy films and computer games like never before - all this while sitting comfortably at home wearing a sophisticated display device. The reality was rather more disappointing - I can remember queuing up for hours at a busy shopping centre in central London, waiting eagerly to try the new virtual reality machine. The device was truly huge - it seemed to resemble a tank, and I can remember feeling, as I finally got to the front of the queue and stepped into the device, that I was about to have a life changing experience. Ten minutes later (and 20 poorer) I was still suffering from nausea, my stomach retching from what was a bad case of motion sickness. The problem was the technology hadn`t been perfected - the huge viewing goggles were not able to adjust in real time, so when I turned my head, it took a few seconds for the crudely rendered polygon landscape to catch up. The result was a nauseating feeling, and this was a complaint voiced by many. That seemed to be the end of virtual reality - it had a bit part in a couple of films of the period: The original Jurassic Park movie showed scientists manipulating genes at a molecular level using the fashionable technology; while the forgotten movie The Lawnmower Man had a number of extended VR scenes. Decades passed - it seemed the VR craze was just a blip, a piece of 90`s nostalgia. But in 2012 the company Oculus VR, a division of Facebook Ltd, began a Kickstarter campaign, hoping to develop their new headset. In 2016 their product was released - VR had returned! They seemed to have ironed out all the issues that halted the project 2 decades ago: thanks to more powerful and affordable computers, the irritating image lag had been overcome. How does all this relate to the education sector though? The potential for games and movies seem obvious, but could VR be used to help children in the classroom? Mark Steed, Director of the Dubai public school Jess certainly believes so. He is already trialling his idea, in which a robot with a 360 degree camera is situated at the second row of a classroom. Footage from the lesson can then be viewed in real time by anyone anywhere in the world. `When you put a headset on you feel as if you are in a classroom and it`s a very different experience from the passive idea of watching a screen, I can turn to the left and right and see the people who are in the class there,` he said. `There`s no reason with time, with increasing bandwidth and processor speed and everything, that you couldn`t have the experience of a pupil sitting anywhere in the world feeling as if they were in the classroom of one of the top schools in the world.` This all might sound rather peculiar - a classroom with a robot in attendance! Children going to school by putting on headsets, and sitting in virtual lessons! Mark Steed is aiming to reach out to the 263 million children across the globe who do not attend school. That really is an astonishing figure - more than four times the population of the United Kingdom. If these children can benefit from this technology, if they can atend (in however synthetic a form) a classroom with a well qualified teacher, that it can only be a good thing. Mr Steed recently outlined his proposal at the HMC conference in Belfast, claiming that VR headsets would enable a child in the developing world to attend a lesson in a high ranking independent school. Though this technology is unlikely at present to change the way lessons are presented in the UK, it seems certain that technology is going to have an ever more integral role in the education sector. Already lots of top universities upload many (if not all) their lectures onto youtube. In this way anyone can, from the comfort of their own home, obtain a university an education for no charge. Anything that can extend the voices of teachers to a larger audience must be good - it does indeed seem such a shame that the wisdom of so many teachers is caged within the rooms they are teaching in, their edifying words fading with the echoes. If education is the key to setting people free, the way to help the hundreds of millions of children currently lacking this gift may be liberating the lessons themselves from the narrow constraints of the classroom. 2 years ago0Add a Comment

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Summer Fun and Tutoring Tips

Summer Fun and Tutoring Tips The summer time is upon us. You might having a great time in awe-inspiring scenery of Mammoth Lakes, California or soaking up the sun on Huntington Beach. Read Mayas excellent article on this topic. Chances are you will be driving somewhere this summer. If kids are on board read Mayas other article on how to make the car trip fun. But summer time is also a chance to take a summer course in your most needed subject. Other students use the time to prepare for the upcoming school season. If this describes your situation you might want to get help from our features summer tutors. Whatever you mid-summer situation might be we at TutorZ wish you joy, sunshine and success on anything youre doing. Featured Summer Time Tutors Rick V. Business Administration, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop CS6 in Portland, OR. Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique. It is in this weaving activity where you as my student are empowered to learn and use what you learn. Ms. Deborah S. Math and Chemistry in Mc Donald, PA. I have helped many students. My definition of success is for a student to no longer need a tutor. Mr. Edwin S. Math and Computer Science in Mount Auburn, IL. I focus on understanding of concepts and developing the students ability to solve problems rather than memorization. Mr. Matthew H. Math and English in Cleveland, OH. I am patient, friendly and many students tell me that I explain concepts more effectively than their teachers. Best Value Guarantee! Easy match with qualified and trusted tutors at no charge. Find me a Tutor Southern California: Top Places to Visit for Outdoor Summer Activities If you think you have discovered all the places for outdoor activities in California, think again. This list might surprise you! continue reading ? How to Enjoy a Car Trip with your Kids Are you going on a car trip with your kids? Your friends make you worry a little bit asking only one question Are you crazy?. But you have such wonderful memories of past car trips when you were a kid. So, now you want to take your kids on the best car trip ever, but how? continue reading ? How to Have Fun with your Kids without Spending Money If you have a pool at the backyard, just perfect. Turn it into the Caribbean sea! Put different plants and flowers around. Buy black pirate hats for your kids. Hide the treasure and let your kids run around pretending they are on a pirate ship as pirates. You can be captain Jack Sparrow:) continue reading ? Did these samples catch your interest? Receive new articles from the TutorZ blog. Its free. Subscribe to Blog Kim Tutors Grammar in Los Angeles Today, Kim is prepared to teach Sania, an elementary student from Los Angeles, the basics of English Grammar. Watch this Video ? TutorZ Works Well “I am getting quite some requests trough, so therefore I invested $20.00. Your website works and gets attention!” Walter B., Clarkston, MI. “The Whole Purpose of Education is to Turn Mirrors into Windows” Quote by Sydney J. Harris who was an American journalist for the Chicago Daily News and, later, the Chicago Sun-Times. Summer Fun and Tutoring Tips The summer time is upon us. You might having a great time in awe-inspiring scenery of Mammoth Lakes, California or soaking up the sun on Huntington Beach. Read Mayas excellent article on this topic. Chances are you will be driving somewhere this summer. If kids are on board read Mayas other article on how to make the car trip fun. But summer time is also a chance to take a summer course in your most needed subject. Other students use the time to prepare for the upcoming school season. If this describes your situation you might want to get help from our features summer tutors. Whatever you mid-summer situation might be we at TutorZ wish you joy, sunshine and success on anything youre doing. Featured Summer Time Tutors Rick V. Business Administration, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop CS6 in Portland, OR. Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique. It is in this weaving activity where you as my student are empowered to learn and use what you learn. Ms. Deborah S. Math and Chemistry in Mc Donald, PA. I have helped many students. My definition of success is for a student to no longer need a tutor. Mr. Edwin S. Math and Computer Science in Mount Auburn, IL. I focus on understanding of concepts and developing the students ability to solve problems rather than memorization. Mr. Matthew H. Math and English in Cleveland, OH. I am patient, friendly and many students tell me that I explain concepts more effectively than their teachers. Best Value Guarantee! Easy match with qualified and trusted tutors at no charge. Find me a Tutor Southern California: Top Places to Visit for Outdoor Summer Activities If you think you have discovered all the places for outdoor activities in California, think again. This list might surprise you! continue reading ? How to Enjoy a Car Trip with your Kids Are you going on a car trip with your kids? Your friends make you worry a little bit asking only one question Are you crazy?. But you have such wonderful memories of past car trips when you were a kid. So, now you want to take your kids on the best car trip ever, but how? continue reading ? How to Have Fun with your Kids without Spending Money If you have a pool at the backyard, just perfect. Turn it into the Caribbean sea! Put different plants and flowers around. Buy black pirate hats for your kids. Hide the treasure and let your kids run around pretending they are on a pirate ship as pirates. You can be captain Jack Sparrow:) continue reading ? Did these samples catch your interest? Receive new articles from the TutorZ blog. Its free. Subscribe to Blog Kim Tutors Grammar in Los Angeles Today, Kim is prepared to teach Sania, an elementary student from Los Angeles, the basics of English Grammar. Watch this Video ? TutorZ Works Well “I am getting quite some requests trough, so therefore I invested $20.00. Your website works and gets attention!” Walter B., Clarkston, MI. “The Whole Purpose of Education is to Turn Mirrors into Windows” Quote by Sydney J. Harris who was an American journalist for the Chicago Daily News and, later, the Chicago Sun-Times.

Are Online Courses for You 8 Questions to Ask Yourself

Are Online Courses for You 8 Questions to Ask Yourself Image via At Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, online courses are taken by students through a website called Canvas. In Canvas, professors and TAs provide the course material through modules that students will have access to. Professors have the option of posting quizzes and tests online through the Canvas website. These tests usually have time limits, just like traditional, classroom-based courses, and are open-note. Many professors make the most of the online nature of their course by posting interesting links to sites around the web that will help their students better meet the course objectives. Some Florida State online courses don’t have required textbooks; instead, students make use of readings, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and texts that are provided by the professor and are posted under “Modules” on Canvas. Even though your physical presence in a classroom won’t be required for many online courses out there (which may sound like a dream to some students), there are still many difficulties that come with being enrolled in an online course.   As I mentioned before, you won’t be in a classroom. Because of this, it might be easier for some individuals to forget about an upcoming test in the course or an assignment that is due at midnight. Without a physically present professor and the familiar classroom surroundings, students have grown accustomed to, some may find it difficult to remind themselves to get a virtual assignment finished. Some may even let deadlines slip by without realizing there was an assignment in the first place. So, after reading through the above, how do you know if an online course is going to be right for you? Here are eight questions to ask yourself before you enroll in online courses 1.  Am I doing this because it seems like the easy route? Online courses are not the easy route. If anything, online courses can be more difficult. You won’t have the professor right in front of you to ask questions and it’s up to you to set deadlines for when assignments get finished. Don’t take an online course if you’re thinking this is the easy way to pass this particular class. 2.  Do I have the technology to complete an online course efficiently? As the name implies, online courses are going to be, for the most part, strictly taught through online means. This means that you will need to have access to a computer. If you don’t own a home computer or a laptop, you will need to be prepared for visits to your campus’s library or your local public library. Some libraries allow you to check out a laptop for use at home! 3.  Am I motivated enough to be in an online course? Taking online courses requires a lot of motivation. You won’t be face-to-face with your professor. Sometimes, it might not even seem like you’re in the course. That’s why it’s important to have the motivation to complete this particular course. If you’re a self-motivated person, you can easily handle online courses. 4.  Why am I taking this course online? What are your reasons for taking this online course? If it’s because you think this course is going to be easier because it’s online, you may want to rethink taking an online course. 5.  How organized am I? A lot of online courses require submitted documents and projects. Are you the type of person to keep text, photos, and videos carefully labeled and categorized in your laptop’s folders? Or do your documents seem to have the tendency to turn up in the most random of places? 6.  Am I able to interact meaningfully online with other people? Interacting with your classmates, professors, and TAs through email is a staple of online classes. If you’re going to take online courses, will you be able to effectively communicate with the other people sharing in this course? Discussion board posts are a common thing in many online courses. If you know you can do this, don’t feel intimidated by online courses. 7.  Can I afford to take an online course? Price is another thing to take into consideration. Online courses usually cost more than traditional classroom courses. Will you be able to afford the extra hundreds of dollars taking an online course is going to cost you? 8.  Am I comfortable with using technology? How good are you with navigating the Internet? Typing emails? Communicating with others online? After you have asked yourself all of these questions, look back and see how comfortable you feel with each question. If your answers put you at ease with the thought of taking online courses, then you are ready to enroll in an online course next semester. Good luck!

Chemistry A Molecular Approach - Does it Stand By Its Claims?

Chemistry A Molecular Approach - Does it Stand By Its Claims?Chemistry A Molecular Approach is not as good as its predecessors. If you had read it in the first two editions, then you know that this is not the same book as in the first one. There are some major changes, and it is no longer a book about the Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry but more like a step-by-step recipe book.The author of this book is now Dr. John Stewart, who has taught Chemistry for more than 20 years at Leeds University. However, there is no relation between this book and his Ph.D. from the same university. Some of the new chapters are not mentioned in previous versions of the book, so you cannot learn them if you have not read the previous versions of this book.When the authors start the study of the fundamental concepts of chemistry, they focus on the chemical properties of the elements and compounds. But, when they are in the last pages of the book, they introduce the molecular theory, also called 'molecula r mechanics' and some of the phenomena that are related to it. It is strange that the authors give so much importance to properties are introduced very late, but in the end it makes the book very boring.You would not understand all the concepts of molecular physics, and that is why the authors introduce other topics instead. There are lots of problems in reading textbooks for free, so this is no different. As I have already said, it is not a good book for a first-time student who wants to learn chemistry by doing.If you want to be able to practice, then you need to do some experiments and it would be a waste of your time to read the book and spend some days doing experiments, only to get disappointed because it does not teach you much. The reason for that is that there are only a few concepts taught in the book. In fact, only the basics are covered. Even those are not in the right order and there are some confusing statements.You may even ask yourself why you can not download it as a PDF file for free. But the fact is that this book is now being distributed on a paid basis. However, the information in the book still remains the same.If you want to read a book about Chemical Physics, you may find Chemistry A Molecular Approach very useful. However, if you just want to learn more about chemistry and do experiments, then you should try other books instead.

Chemistry Textbook Online - Do You Want to Learn Online?

Chemistry Textbook Online - Do You Want to Learn Online?Online chemistry textbooks may offer more flexibility than traditional textbooks, but often these can't deliver exactly what students need. Online reading materials will vary in content, genre, tone, and length; not to mention the amount of time to complete the work. This is why students are better off turning to online learning when it comes to taking chemistry.One of the great things about online reading materials is that students have the opportunity to check on their grades before committing them to the paper to be worked on in a classroom setting. This makes for a more satisfying experience and allows students to feel like they have taken the time to learn something more. When the work is done, this can help them come to a stronger understanding of the subject matter, which helps them make better decisions as to whether to continue with study or head off to a different area of interest.Online reading materials allow student s to do something that traditional textbooks simply can't: read along with the text. In a traditional textbook, the entire book has to be read line-by-line to understand all of the information contained within. Reading online is usually more time-efficient, especially if the content is of high interest to the student. Textbooks can only provide so much information at once, but students who have the opportunity to read online will find they can take in as much information as they want while making sure that all important points are covered.Students don't need to worry about using up all of their time studying online because they can finish most of the material in a given amount of time. As long as students know what they are looking for, they should be able to find a chemistry textbook online that they can use in class. If they aren't sure where to begin, it's wise to seek out a course of study that is easy to understand and follow; in other words, one that doesn't require more study ing than it takes to learn a lesson.By utilizing an online chemistry textbook online, students have the ability to access the information that they need without having to spend their time worrying about the time it will take to learn everything that is needed. Online reading materials come with quizzes, and students can use them to track how well they're doing as they read. For those who take tests, online reading materials come with high quality tests that can show results and give tips for better grades. This type of learning environment offers more structure and a more realistic assessment of the student's knowledge.Online learning is a great opportunity for students to receive a true education at a lower cost. The online reading materials are more structured, which ensures that students have a firm understanding of the concepts that they're reading about. They also give students a chance to interact with their teachers, so they're encouraged to make a better grade when it comes to chemistry readings.Students need to take advantage of the free learning opportunities offered by online reading materials. They can have a better understanding of the subject matter, their classmates, and even earn better grades while benefiting from a more focused learning environment.

English Language Learning Programs - How To Choose The Right One

English Language Learning Programs - How To Choose The Right OneEnglish language learning programs are useful in achieving language fluency. These programs provide the student with high-quality tools to learn English by listening, reading, writing and speaking. There are many companies that offer these programs to those students who cannot afford to pay for private lessons in an actual classroom.In choosing a language learning program, students should not forget that they can choose from several options. Different schools and universities also offer different English language programs. So choosing the right one can be hard, especially if the options available are very limited.Choose wisely so that you don't end up wasting your time and money. There are several programs available in the market that are either too basic or too complicated. For example, an intensive program may help you speak English faster but if it does not give any useful information, then there is no point in enroll ing for such an expensive program.English language learning programs usually take 6 weeks or more for you to realize good results. So it's important that you choose a program that fits your schedule and is well-suited to your requirement. So if you have the time and money to spend, choose a program which allows you to become fluent in English as soon as possible.You should look for a language program that will teach you English without any interruptions. This means that you should enroll in an English program that has no distractions and focuses on teaching and learning. Also, make sure that your teacher is a native English speaker so that you don't get lost during your lessons.Before enrolling for a course, make sure that you have enough time for learning. You should ensure that you can learn the language at your own pace that suits you best. Also, make sure that you can finish the course within the required time frame.There are many benefits of taking an English language program i n a short span of time. However, make sure that you can spare some time for studying and that you don't rush the program to ensure maximum benefits.

Where Will You Go Next 4 Study Abroad Programs in Amazing Locations

Where Will You Go Next 4 Study Abroad Programs in Amazing Locations In this series, the Varsity Tutors Blog showcases unique study abroad programs that offer college students a world of educational possibilities. Have you participated in an unusual study abroad program? Let us know at When it comes to college life, the first things that come to mind for many students include attending homecoming games, taking exciting classes, and making new friends. In addition, study abroad programs are increasingly becoming a mainstream part of the college experience. Some benefits of studying abroad include learning about different cultures and languages and making new friends from different backgrounds and parts of the world. If youre looking for a study abroad program, there are many choices in terms of program length and location. You can spend anywhere from a few weeks to a few months in almost any part of the world. Looking to incorporate travel into your college studies? For enrolled students, here are four study abroad programs in amazing locations. 1. Loyola University Marylands study abroad program in Bangkok, Thailand This program is one of Loyola University Marylands longest-running study abroad programs. Held every year from mid-July to late December, students from any major take five courses in topics ranging from mathematics to ethics. Bangkok is a bustling metropolis with golden temples and grand palaces. It has an exciting food and cultural scene, and there are many sightseeing opportunities. Students who visit Thailand will find that locals are welcoming and friendly. English is sometimes spoken in Bangkok, but not necessarily in surrounding cities. It can be helpful to pick up a few phrases in Thaisuch as thank you and helloto help you navigate during your visit. [RELATED: 5 Myths (and Realities) About Study Abroad] 2. Stony Brook Universitys study abroad program in Jamaica Stony Brook Universitys two-week winter study abroad program in Jamaica gives students the opportunity to experience some of the best parts of island life. Activities include snorkeling and diving, taking underwater photographs, hiking waterfalls, exploring caves, and tasting fresh fruits and vegetables at a local market. Jamaica is a vibrant island nation with a culture heavily centered on its beaches and the ocean. There are many exciting aspects of studying in Jamaica, including: The food is flavorful and often comes from the sea. English is spoken in many parts of Jamaica, though youll also hear Jamaican Creole. The music is upbeat and fun for dancing. 3. Yale Universitys study abroad program in Rome, Italy Yale University offers a summer study abroad program in Rome that is focused on the arts and humanities. It runs from late May to late June. A large part of the program is held in the city, outside of the classroom. There, students learn more about the complex history of this ancient city. Rome is arguably one of the worlds most culturally rich cities, with a nearly endless number of ancient pieces of history to see. Some top attractions include the Pantheon, Colosseum, and Roman Forumjust to name a few. Italian is widely spoken in Rome. Dont forget to try the pizza, gelato, and other classic Italian treats in this sprawling city. [RELATED: How to Choose a Foreign Language to Study] 4. Boston Universitys study abroad program in Zanzibar, Tanzania Boston University offers an exciting summer study abroad program in Zanzibar that runs from early June to late July. The program includes discussions on class, ethnicity, gender, politics, race, and religion in East Africa. Students learn Swahili by partnering up with students at the State University of Zanzibar, and live with local families. Zanzibar is a series of islands off the East African country of Tanzania. Locals speak Swahili, and are friendlythey will say hello, so its good to learn how to do so as well. [RELATED: Should I Take a Gap Year?] Deciding where to study abroad can be overwhelming. In an effort to narrow down your choices, it can help to consider where and what youd like to study. After that, the next step is to determine which programs you qualify for and to check if there are any prerequisites necessary. You can also schedule an appointment with an academic counselor if you need help identifying the right program for you. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at